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Well, the poll ended and no one said ”NO CHRIS, don’t do nsfw or fanart content here!!” So I’m gonna brainstorm some new goals and maybe some new 18+ specific tiers for the nearish future BUT I also recognize that not everyone in and above those tiers will want to be bombarded with full images without warning right away, so this is a test post of what it would look like. Don’t worry. It’s not explicit, just,,, mildly suggestive lmao (aka a cropped or blurr3d image with the full file attached that you can open of your own volition)

of course, there’s still so,e other details I need to work out,  considering idk what it’ll mean for this account once I switch it to an adult account,,, I ASSUME you’re all 18+ since you supposedly can’t pledge to a creator unless you are, but. Yeah. I’ll have to see how Patreon filters that out. 

Again, I know it’s not everyone;s cup of tea, and nothing is changing right away because I still have a lot of work I’m currently catching up on, but things to look for in the future!

- An 18+ specific tier!

- New Goals to unlock monthly fanart illustrations/mini-comics of y’all’s choosing!

- New Goals to unlock monthly nsfw illustrations/mini-comics of y’all’s choosing!

And maybe more, we’ll play it by ear. 




The notification tells me exactly what it will be so 🤷‍♀️ surely no one will click unknowingly


This is a great depiction of a butt. *applauds. A firm YAY from me to a Butt Tier!