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THIS IS A TEST RUN, before I decide to open it to the general public, but! I’ve been tinkering with this since JANUARY, and finally decided to just rip off the bandaid today and launch for you guys! It’s my FIRST time trying to open an online store, so it’s not super pretty or extravagant, but if you guys have been itching to buy some Lucky! merch, here’s the place to do it!

EDIT: Putting this on pause because some orders came in and I already have an issue with payment settings so ILL REPOST THE LINKS WHEN ITS SORTED OUT sorry guys lol this IS a test run after all 😭

EDIT AGAIN: Here, I figured it out, y’all can go nuts again sjdjdj




Well we're gunna try anyways! Ill just put them on the side that doesn't get as much sun😂 The world deserves to see your BEAUTIFUL artwork😤


JSHDHDH THANKS also, gods forbid, but keep some rubbing alcohol on hand in case you need to scrape them off 😅


Amazing news! BEST of LUCK(Y!) with your STORE! 🤩