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Well, as much of a sick day as I’ll allow myself to have anyway.

SO, I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine yesterday and today, we’ve got the full spread: fever, body aches, chills, etc. and my usual fever reducer hasn’t been relieving A N Y of my symptoms. Admittedly, I did go back to sleep from 5-6, and then spent most of my energy this morning on keeping up with the goblin child, and getting my “portfolio” and resume sorted out for a job application I submitted today (FINGERS CROSSED)

I have the second adopt design inked and ready for colors/patterns, but honestly, that might be the only thing I’m able to finish today before I pass out tonight. I’ve already told Ant that I’m not cooking or cleaning today, so that’ll be fun to catch up on tomorrow LOL

i just wanted to give you all a heads up on why I’m slacking today, hopefully this doesnt last much longer because I’m genuinely itching to get more art done, my muscles are just protesting against my work Ethic right now djdjdj 



I hope for a fast recovery and a yes from the workplace! 🌺🌺🌺

Patrick Jackson

Take it easy for a faster recovery. Best wishes :-)