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I already kinda explained him for the WIP tier, but for everyone else!

This is “Sir” (YES, it’s basically Lucky, I’m just using him for a DnD one shot lmao)

I have no original thoughts, I just repurpose my favorite OC’s for other things dkdjdk 

ALSO, previously mentioned on the WIP post, but I should mention it here also: Mags scheduled me a self indulgent week of just personal fun projects and Lucky! stuff to end out the year, so that’s why I’ll be posting fun things like this this week. Lol. But I’ll be back to the regular commissions and rewards and such after the break, don’t worry. just having a little vacation week for now. 😅




Is this the equivalent of “always take a towel with you”?


Cosmic cape! Luxourious locks! Wellcrafted jacket! Oh!