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EDIT: Available for all tiers now!

Not quite done, since a lot of my flow got thrown off earlier today and I just feel... drained. Family mess. Something a long time coming, I guess. Still not easy. ANYWAY. I could’ve stayed up later to finish this but I want to try to stick to my 5am’s with this new schedule and I don’t want to start cutting sleep hours when it’s only... Tuesday? I still have time to catch up. 💪🏻
Alright, fun backstory time: Nameless teacher here is based off of one of my FAVORITE college professors who used to berate me when I got too excited with classmates and said I sounded like I was “squawking” - even asked me to LEAVE a lab or catch up period on occasion because he hated my loud voice that much??? (Y’all have heard me talk, right??? It’s not THAT BAD!) Which...at the time, I was like “fuck it, early class dismissal“ but now that I look back, Im just like??? why didn’t I stick up for myself??? He was such a DICK! And it wasn’t just me, he’d told a couple of my other girl classmates to finish their assignments in another lab because he didn’t like them talking and laughing together (it was an editing class, so we often got paired up to make Videos and lots of them were just goofy, so it was a pretty lively class???) anyway, shout out to Mr. Bolton for being the worlds biggest douchebag Who hated seeing women have fun in his clsss I guess (I was still playing the part of Oblivious Cis back then so)




awww this is a good page, love it. and yeah fuck that teacher
