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So, y’all know how I was complaining all summer about how my schedule was thrown off by family stuff and having Anthony home from work? Well, I guess life thought it’d pull a fast one on me, because ever since Ant has gone back to work, Eli has been A WHOLE ORDEAL.

Toddlers are no joke, man. He got used to having dad home and when he went back, I guess he decided he was going to just... regress?? Idk, all I know is we’re doing rough nights again, and no naps, and -phew.

Anyway. There’s no real way for me to pin down a schedule with him at the moment, so you’ll get bursts of art and brief dry spells, depending on home life. My main goal is to keep at these rewards and weekly updates so I’m not just twiddling my thumbs on patreon, and I’m not beating myself up about not making this comic happen Now that it’s finally getting somewhere. I’ve given myself reasonable time with commissions outside of patreon, but this. This needs Some fine tuning. I’m going to try some flexible schedule styles with monthly rewards and wip’s/process posts and honestly, Just switch around a lot with whatever works best with whatever is happening that week. It also doesn’t help that I usually have at least one weekend a month to just crunch while Eli is at his grandmas, but she hasn’t taken him for over two months now, so that’s thrown it off a bit too. 

Anyway! Just some context for the lull/delay with some patreon things lately! I’m getting back on my game, as sloppy as it might be LOL but thanks for bearing with me! Y’all are the best. ❤️


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