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Note: Please appreciate how large my boy is compared to the humans, p l e a s e that is to SCALE

(Incoming rant, please ignore)

Looks like we’re slapping color on these in the backseat of a car today, lads. I HATE summer because it really shows that people don’t take your schedule seriously if you work from home. I feel like I tell people everyday, “I can’t make plans, I have to work that day” ONLY TO HAVE TO PACK IT UP AND GO ANYWAY because I’ll come off as this huge antisocial [redacted] if I’m the only person who can’t make it since all I do is work from home and THATS NOT A REAL JOB RIGHT

Anyway, if you haven’t already guessed it, I’m being yanked around by my chain this week, so I’ve only gotten so much done and I’m not thrilled about it (mostly because Eli has been WILDLY unbearable all week and I only get s o much help) and partly because -AGAIN- no one takes my time seriously, and I’m just griping rn because I hate asking for help, and I hate even more that when I finally cave in and do, I have to be happy with breadcrumbs. Summer sucks. It’s always bad. Hopefully were back in time for bedtime at least. 




LONG TAIL!! That thing could be wrapped around him twice oh my god???


It is canonically disproportionate to the rest of him because I made a mistake once and decided to run with it. He hates that thing. It’s all over the place. Has a fucking mind if it’s OWN


The bold assumption that Maggie would pick a lock and not dump corrosive materials on it just to save time lmao.