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I took a poll last week in some higher tiers to see what Lucky concepts I should post this week, and the winning vote was to post about a character I hadn't revealed yet. So, I picked the baby of the group!

Ira is the youngest Shifter in my lineup. They're roughly 60 human years, but they pose as a 21 year old(gotta' be drinking age, that's what's important LOL)

Whereas Red is the Human Expert/weathered old man who likes to be left alone, and Lucky is the new kid on the block who's trying his best, but still struggles with the Human Experience, Ira is the "book smart" Shifter who's done a shit ton of Earth research, and only stops by on occasion just for fun, or to bug the "infamous Watcher"(they're kind of a huge fan).

They don't spend a lot of time with one human group or another; most of their Earth dealings are with other Shifters, but they think Lucky is a hilarious, embarrassing mess, and they always tease him about him needing a group of humans to 'babysit' him. Red finds them especially annoying, considering that they like to pop up uninvited and OFTEN, but he appreciates that they're good at keeping his cover a secret and playing well with other humans if he's in disguise. (Which is something Lucky isn't always really great at.)

And lastly, Ira is the first Shifter of my group that doesn't have their own specific power, like the others. They're just a regular, run of the mill Shifter who can teleport, fly, shapeshift, etc. but can't do all of the other fancy-schmancy stuff that Red and Lucky are capable of. That's okay though, 'cause they really don't need extravagant powers. They're easily entertained and usually just hanging around to have a good time, not necessarily to do any heavy lifting.

Last bit: Ira is a bit of a trickster. Their "beta" name was "Pan" until I decided what their real name was. They like to mess around a lot and cause trouble when they can. 

Some close ups of their midform and human form below:




Hi, im not ok


The nickname is “eye-rah”, but their full name(redacted) ends with “ee-rah”!