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Here's a fun thing! I let some higher up Patrons vote on some Lucky extras that I could post this week, and moon/homeplanet concepts were pretty popular! I'll try to do these frequently, cause there are TWELVE moons, plus the homeplanet itself, so we have a lot of ground to cover! (And I'll post the chart with the completed moons until it's all filled! I got a bit overzealous and intended to finish X-Moon tonight too, but I have an early appointment tomorrow and I'll hate myself if I stay up all night before then. Lol.)

So, Z-Moon is pretty familiar, huh? That's the moon that Red and Cabbage are currently assigned/training at! It's one of the archive moons used for training certain roles in the Shifter system, and houses one of the biggest, most complete archives of all human/humanoid inhabited planets (Aka if a Watcher is assigned to Earth, they'll study and train here!)

Because Z is mostly a giant library/citadel, there are no Creation Centers here; so when the rowdy boys came across a tiny Shifter like "Moon", they knew something was off. Residents don't typically see smaller Shifters on archive/training moons.

Bonus: Most of the species resources, food and energy supplies are on Homeplanet, so these things are regularly shipped to Z. The reason only scavengers or 'bandits' sniff around the surface is that on rare occasion, shipments will get intercepted before they can reach their loading ports, and some of them love to loot when they can. (Plus, their entire "economic" structure is a mess, and theivin' is sometimes the only way some of them can get by.) Gods forbid they get caught though; punishment is severe.

AKA Cabbage and Red really are NOT supposed to be on the surface, and I can only imagine whatever reason that Cabbage was just so big when we first saw him... Intercepting shipments for fun? Hopefully n o t.

Moon/Homeplanet Chart:




'rowdy boys'