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These are REALLY weird to do on the iPad, I've realized, and I'm. A bit skeptical with how they're turning out. But the point of a storyboard/animatic project is to move things along, not necessarily to make every single panel perfect(Laughs at myself, cause who am I kidding, I really tried a lot on those last few recent ones sighs)

I also got stuck with how to progress this(cause it's all jumbled and out of order) and figured, "Well, it's been so long, and I really owe my patrons a 'treat' for flaking so hard during the first three months of my baby situation LOL So... Mmmmmmmaybe, y'all will get spoilers. Like. Never before seen spoilers. Die hard fans of my little Star Wars OC group will enjoy this. Cause I love y'all. And I've been holding out for a WHILE. ;)



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