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New challenge: Try making your poses look less stiff, Chris.

It's been so long since I've done a smaller fusion, let alone something a bit  more simplified as far as style is concerned. I'm at this weird place in my art where I can't figure out if I want to do more cartoony looking stuff, or more comic book looking stuff, and sometimes(especially with LUCKY characters) I get this weird amalgam of both things and it's. odd. And i noticed that the gem fusion commissions I was doing for people were looking less steven universe, and more. Idk. Disney?? Idk, i really don't know what my style is or how to describe it or what it's doing, but I know for SURE I can't really fluctuate a lot, I just have these ruts I get stuck in at certain periods of time and it really depends on what I've been drawing a lot of lately.

And lately, I've been doing a lot of SW/SW OC stuff and Lucky, so things look less cartoony, but also a bit to cartoony. Can't decide if I like that or if we're starting to settle into uncanny valley a little bit but i'm. So lost. Lol.




The thing is, Chris. You can go BOTH ways! Have super detailed and realistic things, but simplify less important parts to add comedic effect! You as an artist don't need to choose one or the other, you can have it both ways! And you've proven time and time again that you execute both very well.