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The chances are HIGHLY UNLIKELY, but I don't want to risk not having power before the end of the month and not meeting my quota, so I'm gonna doodle a couple of y'alls requests between orders tonight and tomorrow so I can make a filler post if I need to, and then update the last comic update once power comes back on. (And for all I know?? We might not even lose power?? But it's better to be prepared!)

So, comment below with a character you'd like to see, or any of my OC's, and I'll pick a few to doodle! <3

Please, nothing too complicated like Overwatch skins or the works, I wanna get these out pretty fast!



Damian Bloodmarch, Senua, Bryan Fuller


Caez and Kos??? Jeremiah and Crois, or Kaylee and Chris!!! Art and Lucky being butts, caez and stix being losers, geht and stix annoying each other...