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I was thinking a lot about the first comic pages I EVER did with Dagkota (These! [1] [2])and I liked Dakota’s little bun so it made a comeback lmao Rereading that first little comic, I had no idea how much these characters were going to change my life. I remember being so excited over this ship, Mags and I would write so much for them, we’d have a blast playing them in motw, and I’d doodle them every chance I got. I was going through a hard time that year with family stuff and considering giving up art to pursue a job that could actually support my family, so when I started making art of these two and they became so loved so fast… Receiving such huge amounts of support because so many of you wanted to see an actual webcomic of these two, it was like my prayers had finally been answered. I love them so much. I’m grateful for Mags for giving me an idea for making the character you all know as Dagger and collaborating with me to make one of my most indulgent ships I’ve ever gotten to work with, I’m grateful for our dm and our motw group for sharing a space where we could all have fun with these characters and concepts, I’m grateful for Curtis for helping me stay on top of 4 weekly updates even when I’m feeling burnt out and overwhelmed, but most of all, I’m grateful for YOU guys. Thank you for affording me the highest luxury an artist could wish for: the ability to pursue their creative dreams with their favorite characters/stories/projects. This isn’t about anything important, I’m just sentimental and thankful, so I’m rambling. 💖

Flats by Curtis!

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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five





It’s so cool to see how the characters/your style has evolved. Don’t burn yourself out tho! We are here and we get it if you need breaks. 💖


Your art is so amazing and I am so happy for you that your hard work is paying off !! Thank you for putting your art out there and please take care of yourself - excited to see where this all goes!!