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Cain’s pink wife! Outfit designs by @DiasporeDoll âœ¨âœ¨

Not SUPER explicit but cropping anyway (full image attached below!)

A couple of updates!

1. I’m posting the poll for the next NSFW Oneshot after I post this, so be sure to vote! The last poll was split 50/50, so I’m going to go with a lineup of other ships, since the one we’re about to wrap up is Dagkota (and I love variety lol)

Which leads me to my next update

2. NO SWEETS UPDATE TOMORROW. I’m still sick, and I know we’ve had a few page delays over the past month, but this will just be a 3 page week so I can work on Sunday’s update and try to recover a bit before the new week starts. Sweets will resume on Tuesday, and once that’s done (I haven’t decided if it needs 2 more pages or just the one lmao) we’ll start on the next NSFW Oneshot with the winning ship!

Thank you guys so much for your patience and support, i know I normally just push back pages on sick day delays but I want to avoid overworking on Sunday/Monday to play catch up this one time.

P.S. (Are y’all liking these little rogue tier character spreads???)




😳🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 no rush, please take care of you!!


Physically reeled back when I opened the full page oh my- 🤤🥵🥵