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AHHHHH JUST SAW WE HIT 16K AGAIN!!! 😭💖💖💖💖 You guys are so amazing, thank you so much for supporting me so I get the freedom to make these comics!

Mags (genius, flawless, gorgeous, visionary that she is) mentioned I should make full posts for the rest of the nsfw oneshots (and completed Haunting Dagger chapters!) so they’re all in one place and I can add them to the directory! I planned to do that today but this page took me a little longer to finish (the band panels always take a long time lmao) so I’ll start gathering those and uploading them as full posts in the morning!

Anyway, Curtis is out of town for the weekend so if pages upload a little later in the day, bear with me. 😭

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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four





He ate the bad peanut butter… cause he’s… cause he’s a man-dog— *gets tackled by security*


can't stop laughing at the girls being like "can you play guitar and won't miss practice, call us!" like nooooo chejffjshfhd