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Hello Patrons! 

Returning to ATW questions seems to have invigorated people, so let's do more! Also, we haven't done a wallpaper in a hot second, so let's get back to those!

  • $2 and $6 Patrons can vote on the topic of the wallpaper in this poll. Which character do we spend the month with?
    $6 Patrons can Ask The Werewolves (or any ATW-adjacent character, for that matter) with a comment on this post.

Lay em on the table!


Aly Dal

Does wild card mean we can request someone of your cast or ?


I can safely say I cannot WAIT to see the lovely JD art in wallpapers, your art is always super vibrant and perfect for both aesthetic purposes and just pretty purposes <3


Regardless of who wins i'll be pleased with another JD wallpaper! I'm always looking forward to these.


To Hammock: Love your hair, what's your routine?

Sam wolf

Blackbird, Duran, you two like to play fetch?


Do werewolves sing or howl in the shower? Or both, perhaps?


Asking the Werewolves: Are there any foods that werewolves should never eat?


For the Werewolves, is biting the only method, or can one be born a werewolf? And if so, any thoughts about...?


Asking the Werewolves: So do you like cats?