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The gang got your gifts, as promised! 

  • Flint mostly got clothes and jewelry, though a few people wanted to get him riding gear...
  • Marko got casino game equipment, and lots of it, as well as non-reflective shades.
  • Foxy got all kinds of things, but most prominently, practical stuff like a pressure cooker and a grappling hook.
  • Ramsey and Oliver got matching Hawaiian shirts, a lot of candy, which they can split, and a lot of alcohol, which Oliver will keep (hoard) from his brother until he's old enough to have it. 

And while these furry idiots are two-dimensional and free from the effects of disease, please have a safe and healthy holiday season by avoiding gatherings! There will be more time for it in the future, as long as we all make efforts to stay safe in the now. I'll keep posting commissions and my end-of-year writeup for January 1, but in the meantime, you can expect these last two weeks to be kind of quiet. This year's been a shitshow, for all of us, and I don't know about you, but I need to wrap it up and fall asleep for a week. 

Happy holidays to you and yours!



Jake Soot

Yesssss big toblerone!!


Omg i’m so glad my pressure cooker got there safely 😭 here’s hopin for a better year!!


I don't know for sure if it was mine that got Foxy her grappling hook, but if it is, I am exceedingly happy! All the gang looks wonderful!