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The ideas this time were:

1, 2, 3. Pirates (chubby rabbit pirates)
4. Cargo ship bachelor party (cargo ship and a party banner? i guess?)
5. Crustaceans
6. Kaiju
7. Stowaway
8. Whale
9. Shells
10. Colorful coral
11. Rum, obviously
12. Waterskiing
13. Compass rose
14. Drinks on the beach
15. Volleyball

...I don't like how this one came out at all. I had no idea where I was going with it and the composition is confused with lots of empty space. But I guess they can't all work perfectly, there's always next month.

Thanks for holding with me, everybody. I know it's been a rough couple of months for all of us, and lots of you had to unpledge because money has gotten tight. Don't think I don't appreciate your contributions, it's just that I'm going through a rough patch myself, and work has not been easy. If you didn't see it yet, I'm going to try and start to stream regular-ish-ly on Twitch, usually in the afternoons or evenings. No fixed schedule yet, but hopefully I can get into a working groove with it.




oh man that background is gorgeous....


This may not be as "busy" as some of the other collabs, but there is a compositional cohesion here that is rather remarkable. I especially like your color choices, it gives a surreal, islandy, "wish you were here" vibe reminiscent of 1950s Hawaii/Tiki.


I think it’s pretty good! Has kind of an album cover vibe to it.


Like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band sorta?


Yeah, I hadn’t noticed it before, but that water’s suuuper satisfying.


If it helps any (mostly for future reference) I mean a bachelor party ON a cargo ship, something like this <a href="https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/asians_scene_party1a.jpg?quality=80&amp;strip=all&amp;strip=all" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/asians_scene_party1a.jpg?quality=80&amp;strip=all&amp;strip=all</a>


Good work all the same though! Looking forward to next month’s :D