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Here's a bit of behind the scenes: originally I was going to try and make one ATW shirt per month in 2018, because Teepublic asked me to try and make one for sale around each holiday period. Problem was, that got very uninteresting very fast. Shirts that are related to jokes sell just fine and are usually pretty fun to make; shirts made just because a holiday has come around are generic and not fun to make or write jokes about. In essence it started to feel like ATW was becoming a newspaper comic that just existed to sell shirts, something I definitely never wanted it to be.

So while we're having this hiatus of sorts, I thought I'd show you a shirt idea I ended up not producing. This idea came from a reader on Twitter, making a sort of Three Blackbird Moon based on the memetic shirt that already exists. It ended up being pretty vaporwave, so I added the Japanese text above it, and ... I didn't like it at all. It was an old joke based on an old joke and I couldn't think of any good posts to tie it in with. 

Still, makes for a pretty good interim post.




You ABSOLUTELY know I would buy this, right?


While maybe not as a shirt, i think this would be a dope poster.


I think it's a pretty sweet design


I'd buy this tbh