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Summer and Rosa enjoy some time away from the town. 

The ideas were:
1. Foxes
2. Camping
3. Gambling
4. Laughter
5. Lizard
6. Midnight
7 and 8. Pride
9. License plate
10. Vacation

Update on my life: Still looking for an apartment! Prospects have been a lot slimmer than expected. If things don't improve by July I might need to fall back on other plans ... hope it doesn't come to that.

I'll try to work on a few commissions while I'm here, and I want to make another mega-collab piece for people who donated money on Twitter. Until then, it's more applying, waiting, viewing apartments, and filling out applications. Wish me luck.




nice piece! that lizard is really cute--very squishy~ Good luck on your continued search!! Wish I could offer more than encouragement. I have faith you'll find a good situation--you certainly deserve it after all the changes and hard work you've put in these last few years. Cheers dude!


Best of luck with everything--we're all rooting for you!