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Here we are at the final part of this. There are a lot to choose from here so I'm looking forward to see what comes out. I have my own suspicions of who will win already. Cast your votes and decide who will be featured! Without further ado, here are the choices!



Welp, RIP the non-Ahsoka choices 🤣🫡 Hey, BP, this is just for one of the 4 choices for the theme right? And to determine the winner for the December theme pick? Cause there was some amazing picks that didn’t make the cut and I’m hoping they just made it in🤣

Cubi Studios

Hot take, Ahsoka is overdone in tickle art. I think every tickle artist has gotten her at this rate lol.


Yup, but them's the cards. Still voted Kusanagi myself but we gotta deal. GGs whoever picked her in the pre-poll nominations, make the theme a good one


Not a hot take at all, but usually how the polls pan out haha. On the plus side though, these polls give me ideas for future pics.


Overdone? I dont really think so. Maybe by comparison to other characters on this list, but overall? No.