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Here is the colored versions of these. For those that weren't sure which versions these are, in order we have the original April from Mirage Comics, April from the TMNT remake, and the classic April. How did this happen? Find out tomorrow!



Adrian K

These are amazing! Always excited for classic April but you've got me loving them all. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Don the Guy

Love them all. You’re very talented. 😃


Wow, nice touch on the artwork for the comic April.

Chad Frasemer (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 01:36:07 Never hurts to have variety. 😁 Though you can't beat classic April. <3
2022-07-24 08:35:08 Never hurts to have variety. 😁 Though you can't beat classic April. <3

Never hurts to have variety. 😁 Though you can't beat classic April. <3