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Hey all. I just wanted to post an update. Had a family emergency and some fire drill work issues come up so it halted the progress on the content, BUT the Sega Girls pics are already concepted out, and I'll have to release them all towards the end of the month as opposed to the usual slow roll out throughout the month. Everything should return to normal by next month. Thanks for the patience and look forward to the new stuff soon!

Starting to catch up on everything here this week, so will begin to send out the comic series for anyone that joined this month. If anyone has any other questions, feel free to comment here or DM me! And with that I'm back to the grind.


David Lewis

Any chance of you opening up commissions soon?

The Nethral King

I’m sorry to hear about you experiencing a family emergency man. I hope everything is fine. I’ll keep you and your loved ones in my prayers. Please be well to yourself


Sorry to hear about your family issues and hope things have smoothed out. Looking forward to the art, but hope all's well your end first and foremost.


Sorry to hear that hope everything is fine


Life first before anything else as always. Sorry fo hear about the family issues, hope everything is getting better. Please take care of yourself. ♡

The Nethral King

As long as everything’s fine, that’s what’s important. I don’t mind any hold ups you have my full confidence ^^


Thanks a lot! Everything is ok for now thankfully. Just gotta get back on track now.


Thank you thank you. I will. Life definitely jumps in when it's least convenient haha. Everything is ok now though thankfully.


Hope everything comes out the best way possible