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17/05/2020 : Added description for the encounter

Following the Dwarf Stronghold Gate, you enter this welcome Hall, a giant room where you can fight any size of monsters up to an Elder dragon :p

The idea of this map is to have a prowling monster hiding in the shadows  of  the columns playing with the PCs. One that can climb on walls and  the ceiling, appear and disappear at different places of the room to play with the party's fear. The best would be a monster that can  shadow jump for best effect.

The second idea is that as long as the braziers are lighten, the power of the monster is maximal. Thus he can hide jump attack and disappear with the same round and be virtually uncatchable. The PCs will have to think and have the idea to blow out the braziers one by one. it will   take several attempts as the fires are magical. Simple water spilled over them are not sufficient. The party will have to combine several methods or use magical means. Once all braziers are out, the creature won't be able to  jump and will be at last catchable.

This is a encounter is build upon atmosphere. You will have to play the creature smartly, play with the heroes, one at a time for maximal effect. One hero sees it in the corner of his eyes (forget about checks for this encounter). Then another one on the other side of the room. Play with their curiosity and fear. Try to split the party and attract them apart. Play with light, shadows and also sound. The room is so large and empty echoes are vibrant. Add the screeching sounds of the creature fangs on the stone of the columns and of the ceiling. Have the creature able to inflict fear and other weird effect maybe a poison that distil dizziness. The disorientation induced my lure them out of  the  group and inflict psychic damage as the walls, columns dance and  echoes  drill pain into the poisoned PC's ears. Of course once all lights are out, the party will have to fight in total darkness :D



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