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Each side : 32 x 50 @ 140 pps

EDIT 29/04/2020 : I reworked the map, enlarging it to give more room for combat and also correctly rescaled the chain to 30' x 20' a link. Now you can see that I can't make a map with all 8 chains :p

My take is that most guardians of the chain are flying devils, harassing from afar the PCs while they climb down to the chain to destroy a link. Some could even be on the other bank of the chasm. My idea would be that it is a timed task. Each round or so additional forces arrive to defend the chain. At first waves of light flying devils then Chain Devils and at last Pit Fiends. They could even arrive on War Machines from the other bank then fly on the chain bank.


Ax DiGi wanted a map showing chains attaching Elturel to Avernus. I modified Torm's Bridges to that end.

This is the chasm that splits Elturel into 2 pieces West and East. Below you can see the river Styx and waves of invading demon ships.




Is there a close up map of the styx with one of those ships in it? Or is there a token of one the ships from which I could create that scene?


Look into the DiA map guide pinned on the homepage. You will find several Styx river maps and barges to exactly do that ;)


What are the dimensions of this map in 5' squares?