Arkhan's Tower- Roof (Patreon)
EDIT 30/04/2020 : enlarged the map and added outside assets.
This is another bonus map for Descent into Avernus.
The location has no map in the book as normally the PCs should not fight here considering the overwhelming opposition but who knows ? You can either reduce the monsters numbers or their level. Obatala, the White Dragon is an adult but if your party is not powerful enough to face her you can make her a younger one.
The party can fly or use the giant chains to climb the tower up to the roof. Even if Obatala warns Krull, he will need time to come, several rounds. It may be enough for your party to defeat the dragon.
Arkhan's Tower
1- Arkhan's Tower - Undead Guardians ***
2- Arkhan's Tower - Morgue ***
3- Arkhan's Tower - Laboratory ***
4- Slarkas' Cave ***
5- Vistalancer's Cave ***
6- Dragon Hatchery ***
7- Virmilius' Cave ***
8- Flash's Cave ***
9- Arkhan's and Krull's Appartments ***
10- Arkhan's Tower- Roof **
Arkhan's Tower Roof - Enlarged ***