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I decided to offer short animations for Patrons again.

Read here :


Some additional information :

- If you already submitted you character in 2020 and you're still Patron, no need to do it again. It is in my list already. (But you still can if you want.)

- If I hesitate, I will choose people who have been Patron for a long time instead of a newcomer.

- Important reminders from original post : Use the google form, replies to this post will be ignored! Do not share the google form outside Patreon, I will crosscheck the submissions with Patreon names!

Thanks !



I submitted a new one just in case. Thank you for the opportunity!


is there a way to see if im still in?

Lucas Yoshino

I think I still have mine in there, though i DO have a update ref since then, there a way I can update my entry?


guess i need to see if i can look up how long i have been a patron, cause now im curious.


found it, lol. my longest running patronage on here. havent missed a month since feb. 2020. was kinda surprised to learn that; time flys.


Well so I've gone ahead and submitted again, lovely animation today!


Thank you for the chance! Long time fan, only become a patron recently but looking forward to supporting you!