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Just a little reminder about my patreon content and some comments I got recently.

The description on my Patreon content is very clear : You get access to every new animation in High quality version, That. is. all.

- I never said anywhere that I would post a new animation every month, so please stop asking "Where is the animation of this month ?!?" I can usually make up to 7-8 Animations per year, which is already a lot. Do you know many people who makes that many 2-3 minutes long animations ?

- I'm always open to constructive critique on a technical point of view, but if you don't like an animation because you don't like the content (because you don't like kinks or the characters, because there no Hollywood quality scenario or because it's not a fucking 10 minutes movie... ) : I don't care.

- If you expect me to make full length Pixar quality movie every month : please go away. I'm fed up to see comments like "This is lazy, I deserve more because I gave money!" when I spent 3 weeks of my spare time on it. Would you prefer to have only longer animations but only 2 or 3 every year ?

So if you're not satisfied with my work on Patreon in any way : Feel free to remove your pledge, and no need to apologize, I totally understand. But please, don't continue to pledge then complain that you don't like the content, it will be better for everyone. I'm doing exactly what I promised, so everything is OK on my side.

You can still see my animations for free on FA and E621 and everywhere if you don't think I deserve $2, and this will never change. (You can even find the HQ versions for free on pirate sites!) But if you really want to support me, you're welcome!

I'm sure some people will be offended by this ( and of course will continue to pledge and complain about the content again in the future ), but I really had to say it.

Thanks for your understanding.



Love your work and the content you produce! You definitely keep my pledge and I look forward to your future content

Nyn Indigo

no complaints on my end. Keep doing what you do bro 👍


I %100 agree with you on this statement. People are so ungrateful and assume everything. They just don’t care or have no idea how much work goes into making the stuff that you do. I’ve taken some classes that deal with animation and it is no laughing matter. I think you do a superb job at animating and you could take that skill and apply it in a major field if you wanted to. I just can’t believe all of you people treating this guy who devotes so much time and effort to making animations for everyone. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.


Yep, u r really better than anyone else, and i think nothing goes wrong-artist has his time for working) its amasing u still do more for quality not for quantity


Wow, do people really complain about that?


Great work, keep it up!


I don't really care about the amount as long as you keep 'em coming. 🖤


Really few people thankfully, but yes. I guess 99% of people who are no longer satisfied with the content just remove their pledge and that's all, which is the good behavior IMO.


Understanding some of the processesame you must use to generate the animations I am impressed you do as many as you do.


YOURE SO TALENTED everyone who has complaints can shove it 😌 keep doin what you do legend


I love your stuff and I'm fine with how often you up load the only thing I wish you did more is add in the occasional hidden scene like with the horse dildo you could click to have the character use it instead during a certain part of one of your older animations or the tablet from your rocket racoon animation and that's mostly cause it's fun to go over every scene just to see if there's a hidden thing to click for a secret scene I can understand that that would be extra work and so don't really expect it to show up more that once a blue moon if that but it's always a nice surprise when it does.


I agree with you on this front. You are a quality content creator and I understand that things take time especially with the level of detail you put into your work. It's saddening that people are so impatient or petty any more. I'm fine with helping the income of a creator that is producing quality content even if it takes time. You do great work and I'm really proud to see how far you've come along since the beginning of your animations to now, you've done amazing work and I'm happy to see how far you've come along. People like you deserve the positive feedback and honestly the patience that an artist deserves without having to be hounded either by commisioners or patrons. Take your time and I'm sorry those folks are being rude about but to us you're an amazing creator that we appreciate and I hope that it doesn't drive you away with the negativity from the others.


Totally understandable, I'm an aspiring animator myself, and the idea of pumping out something every month consistently is unreal, it's not possible, especially when it's to the quality of your work.


I never had problems with that, as you say in no time you mention a time of work, I'm surprised that people like that demand a date for the next animation ... Keep working without pressure that many of usreally love your animations ;3


I'm so glad you made this post. It was well needed!


Keep up the good work!


Keep up the great work, if I stop pledging it’s cause I became broke but I’ll still follow on here and everywhere else (:


Very Good Animations I like and I'm waiting for more animations from you. very good job and keep it that way.


Okay, so I saw this post in my E-Mail and got really angry about the people you told us about. I've enjoyed your animations from the very beginning. Not only that they are good for naughty stuff, they are also art. I'm studying IT and I know how fucking difficult it is to animate stuff. Your animations are extremely good; the quality is awesome, they are always smooth and sure, some may be shorter than others, but that doesn't matter. It's still not easy. I don't understand why people still think that you can do more work the more money you get. Like, money won't make the days longer. Keep your good work up please and don't think about those idiots. Unfortunately I'm a student so I'm basically poor, but I now pledged you the 2$ tier because you deserve it. Especially for the work you already did.


Honestly thought all that was pretty clear already, some people are clearly just stupid on a colossal level. And honestly behaving like they are entitled because they gabe you 2 dollars a month is so silly.


I could easily make twice as many animations... the only thing I'd have to do is working on them instead of sleeping ! :D

Maffi Lu

These whiners can just leave. I was wondering when a new video will pop up, but I do know what amount of work goes into the process. You gotta model, rig, animate, shader, render and then edit and cut the video. That's not something you just do besides. And then when it's rendering, you hardly can do anything else. So the 2 bucks, don't kill me and help you helping us to your videos. And I really do enjoy them, love the style. Peace ✌️


Hopefully this doesn’t affect you anyway, I look forward to your post every 2 months is what I seemed to see is your time period you post. I’ll keep my pledg. And as a matter a fact let me increase it since it’s well worth to see all your amazing animations.


Definitely not a graceful way of expressing it, but I think it gets your point across pretty well. Definitely very understandable and good that you made this post

Gabriel Cannizzo

That's why i keep in mind what i suggested the other day, doing commission is very good but i keep wondering if you got any personnal project for yourself and if you already worked on some, like, for avoid bad commissionner, you could just analyse how the person is and warn them about how you'll done things following their full description for it, the suggestion i had was also just stopping commission and just you do what you want, and sometime when you are out of idea you can maybe take commission with a journal on Fa, or here, cuz i'm pretty sure you get a lot of Note on fa for commission already, in anyway as long you keep animating, i'll still support you with 5$, the problem is i can only support you every 2-3 months because i got a tight budget ;;

Alek Haunt

You know what, just because of this, I’ve decided to increase my patronage. The amount of work that you do it staggering, and even when there’s an animation I’m not interested in, I can still appreciate the sheer amount of dedication you put into every frame. Thanks for being awesome; I wish I could give more.

Veronica Summerfield

Its good to see you standing up for yourself h0rs3, though you both know people are still going to be assholes and still bitch about things, keep up the awesome work.

A Furry

ouch, sucks you been getting spamed by such clueless people. I do 3d model and all as well so i get it. Your work is very tasteful and enjoyable. keep up the great work :3


I have used animations programs like Maya before (though at a very minimalist level some time ago) and I quickly understood the humongous amount of work required to make quality animations and why animation companies have hundreds of people working on each film (and even then it takes years). so when I first found your animations I was greatly impressed, your work is amazing and if I could give you any critics it would only be for the transitions between some of the poses and even that is an maybe. they only thing I could say to those who kept complaining is that they are stupid imbeciles that don't even put a minimum of time into Googling for information before they speak their minds and that I'm sorry you had to deal with them. please keep up the good work. A lot of people might not say it (they're just lurking in the background, me included) but we love what you do and we're happy to support you ^_^


Yeah, forget them fools. Keep up the good work! You produce some of the best work out there so keep doing what you're doing and you'll not have any complaints from me. I totally understand how much effort you put into your work and that's why so long as I have the funds and you keep producing quality content, I'll continue to support you.


lol calm down


Well how would you feel if douchebags always bother and put pressure on you? I'm sure h0rs3 wouldn't have so much fun if people don't get his point, and that might end in lower quality or even worse, no animations at all


Yeah I do not think people understand how much time and effort it takes just to animate an object with lifelike gestures.


And decorating a scene with at least some dynamic lighting. Then there is the weight, physics, and other special effects. And then there is creating your models for the characters themselves, each with their own skeleton, and how the muscles move about. I am perfectly fine waiting for your animations every month because my work only consists of level creation and modeling, not animating.


People are still dissatisfied with something. Don't be discouraged. Still, your animations are the best I can see. Thanks for your work.


I totally disagree with you: the scenarios are totally Hollywood quality. By the way, now I'm intrigued about what you would do if you used 4 to 6 months on one animation. I'm sure that would be awesome.


People always seem the most entitled to an artist's work when it comes to porn, it's so disappointing. Animations aren't made overnight. I'm sorry you've been feeling all of this pressure on you, but people that truly want to support what you do will stick with ya.


I think it's absolutely ridiculous to whine about the content. What you're putting out is amazing work, and it's also a *ridiculously tremendous* volume of work relative to the amount we're paying for it. Now, my *personal preference* would be towards longer animations at the cost of having fewer of them, but I wouldn't ever presume to *demand* that. If I was in a financial position to *commission* such work I would do so; short of that, you're damn well entitled to produce exactly what you want.


Looking at your pledge tiers and descriptions, there's nothing that promises a new anim every month, or falsely creates or implies that expectation. You're justified in telling people to fuck off... Though, you're likely right that they'll still pay and bitch. The reasonable of us adore you anyway!


I actually Subbed up because it felt wrong getting the HQ's off pirate sites, now I can jerk it with a clear conscience and better quality! thanks!


Never expected an animation every month, just whenever they are released. Just happy to support the artist. Not going to lose sleep over $2 month lol


You have 1200 patreons, 1200 people who feel your work is worth spending money on despite (as you said) that it can be had for free on FA / other sites. Please ignore the contrarians :D! They do not speak for the rest of us.


I'm just happy to see your content.


I love your work, And i wholeheartedly agree with so many of my fellow patrons please feel the love


I've been a fan of your work for a long time and only a supporter for a little while. I love your content and characters. Keep up the good work and don't let those losers bother you!


thank you for making so many masterpiece


The workk you do it amazing and people who feel like how you said are just people wanting you to be like some others but they got to understand besides doing animations you work outside of this. doing the quality of work that you do. Shit i was excited to find out you had a patreon. I love your stuff and have loved it since you started and i hope to see more. Just let those complain and just continue with what you are doing. . Keep up the great work!

Shinault Sketches

Wow... people complain that much... over some outrageously insanely good 3D Animation lasting 2-3 minutes, and SWF file, all for a whopping $2.... hell, were lucky the quality is even 3d, yet you're giving us the most high definition 3d graphic animations I've ever seen in the furry industry for a mere $2! AND you get access to ALL of the files!!! FOR $2! I mean come on, these animations even has expression, pulsing, cum, sound, jiggle physics, perfect friction animation between genitals, this is top level animations that we get copies of HD for $2 for all of them! The fact that you're not a huge business furry gaming or porn company is insane, I'd pay hell of money for a full porn game or movie, these brats are so ungrateful for such a deal! $2 = all access fo HD animation film and SWF files!

Shinault Sketches

To those that are entitled brats, just stop your membership and come back in a year, your $2 doesnt make a huge difference and I'm sure hed gladly give up a whopping $2 to not hear your petty entitled complaints. Be thankful for the incredible content you've gained access to for a mere $2, or get lost.

Shinault Sketches

I mean shit, I'd have happily paid $25 for full access to all of these!! Yet we get full access for $2!

Shinault Sketches

Not to mention.... nobodies forcing people to be a monthly patreon, you can be yearly even if you're that greedy...


Nobody can rush and artist.


I switched from $30 [Paid my own amount] to $2 Parton because of the full access at $2. I don’t think $25-$30 is worth 6-7 animations a year. BUT I STILL LOVE THE ANIMATIONS AND WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK IN YOUR ANIMAION STUFF. I think you are extremely talented


At first I thought it was monthly cause I saw them getting pumped out monthly for a little. Then I noticed some animations took 2 months, mostly when there was more than one character. I kinda went into the "well, it happens when it happens" and everytime my phone shows "h0rs3 has posted..." on my phone I'm so stoked, but usually pissed because I'm at work and can't see it! Haha. I can understand people getting impatient here and there, but enough to warrant this? Hot dang.


It's really unfortunate some entitled pricks are so shitty to you, and I hope you don't pay them too much mind. You're easily the top producing animator of your kind I know of and you're incredibly generous with the amount of content you put out and make available. I'm always eagerly looking forward to the next animation and if it's not in my taste; oh well! There's always next month ^^ The anticipation makes it all the more worth it. Take care :)


So... sorry for the assholery that has been laid on you. You have not made any commitments for timelines on content here and you ask a pretty modest tip, so I don't think anyone has reason to complain.


But I do wonder if you could find a little time to provide status and perhaps snippets, single frames in the intervening time between deliveries. This would be content you are making anyways. I would not want to distract you from the work at hand. Sketches and concepting materials for the commissioner could also work. Ideally something would come weekly, but every two or three weeks would be a very welcome. This would probably increase the overall satisfaction of your patrons and might provide you some motivation from excited comments along the way.


And I want to stress that you do not HAVE to change anything. I'll remain a happy subscriber for years to come in the current environment. My notes are just my "in an ideal world" thoughts from the patron's perspective.

Gabriel Cannizzo

Well, people complaining about the time it take to animate are dick because they totally forget the animator in question actually got a life aside xD


Having early access to your films before pornhub does is plenty enough to be satisfied with.


How does one get on his commission list? I'd probably want to buy an animation


People are always going to complain because they don't understand how much work it takes to make animations at this level. keep up the great work and keep on keeping on.


Just keep up the good work! Love all your content(*^3^)


Hm.. I think besides people complaining just for complaing (and not reading the pledge description) there is also the fact how Patreon is being used. I have a feeling is getting less " I like this artists work, I'm gonna support them on Patreon and get some cool stuff back" to "unless I pay their Patreon, I will never see them adult work"


.. so people got used to expect an exclusive patreon content at the end of the month?


I just started my pledge and have seen your work since 2014. I personally think that you could charge more so in that regard thank you for the wonderful art pieces that you produce. I usually get excited when you post something new and that shows on everyone else that basically does it in a negative aspect.


I understand you very much and I like your work very much.


I've been a fan of your work for years but only a supporter on here for a short time. I love you work. You are one of the best there is. Thanks for all you do.

Kiri the Unicorn

I've enjoyed your work for years, and I very much appreciate the time and effort you put into it.

Oculus Madness

Yo dont listen to the whiners take your time you dont rush perfection been liking your art for quiet some time I'd donate 100 dollars and not care if the next animation wasn't released for 6 months to a year later he's doing all this on his own time so let the artist work in peace and on his terms and time


cant watch your videos this is scam thanks bro :-)


I very much understand the time needed to model, script, animate and especially render. Your content is wonderful and I'm quite content with production rate and subject matter. I for sure would commission something with my OC, just know it's not likely to even be something that can be scheduled for this year. So I'm content to enjoy so much from you relevant to my interests. Your most recent being best so far, at least on par with a couple others from years past...!