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Hello my little cupcakes <3 I'm 25 weeks pregnant today! Slay! I've been feeling good other than the occasional headache, so that's nice! I've been spending most of my time deep in nesting mode & so has Finley. We are FINALLY in the painting stages of our bedroom renovation, so the next steps are to paint, add trim to walls & floors, decorate & move our shit in! WE CAN'T WAIT! We are on track to finish by the end of the month if all goes as planned.

In other news, I started writing (I think) a book last week? Idk man it feels more like a collection of short stories at this point, but I simply HAD TO WRITE IT! I have had the concept for years, but never acted on it. The other night, though, I woke up suddenly at like 4 AM with the idea in my head again & my brain just starting writing it for me. I was up for like an hour & a half just writing the book in my mind! When I woke up, I started the first 2 chapters.

It's nothing serious at the moment & honestly I feel like I'd just put it on here if I shared it anywhere, but I'm happy to be doing it. It's been fulfilling to have writing back in my life again apart from these updates on here. Hope you're all having a lovely little week <3


Kayla Winter

that's so exciting!!


Very exciting! My 2nd book just went up on Amazon yesterday.... let it out, live it out... DO IT Love ya ~ Lea