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Hi besties! In honor of this month of love, I've been thinking a lot about self love practices to incorporate into my day to day routine. They can be as little as loving myself enough to not go on IG when I first wake up (lol) & to just slow down & sip my morning coffee with a book instead. I also have been trying to get back more to a state of self-reflection other than self-numbing. That sounds dramatic, but I mean numbing in the sense of using social media, substance (not that I'm doin' anything cuz I'm friggin' pregnant just using as example), food, etc. as a distraction from what I really want to do/feel. I honestly feel like I abandoned (on accident) so many of my self-reflection & self love practices in 2023. I was telling Finley over dinner the other night that I think my mind was just so preoccupied with so much change (i.e. moving, pregnancy, etc.) that I didn't even really consider that a lot of my self love practices had gone out the window.

Anyway! I've just been trying to prioritize that more for myself this year so far with journaling, using my planner & the prompts that are reflective check-ins, doing my oracle cards more often when I'm questioning something in my life, reading more instead of scrolling... You get the gist! I feel like any way I can show or extend myself some love is appreciated at this point in my life especially with a baby on the way I just want to get in the routine of self love/care so that it's harder to neglect when she's here. I know it'll still be hard... Just less hard if I'm in the practice! I'm gonna keep this up throughout the month & encourage you to do the same <3 LOVE YA!


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