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After 19 days away, we finally got home to VT today! I’m taking a lil break from IG at the moment, so I’m gonna share all our updates here. I hope you guys had a happy, healthy & safe holiday season! We certainly did :) We left GA on Monday & got to VA that same night just planning to stop there to break up our road trip, but then Finley’s uncle George asked us to come see his wood shop/property on Tuesday so we did that too. It was so cute to see him & Fin bonding over power tools lol.

We got back on the road at around 1 PM on Tuesday & just planned to drive from VA to VT the rest of the day & get in late night, but winter storm “Finn” (giving my man a bad name!!) had other plans. You can see in one of the pics from the car window, but it was POURING rain our entire drive. Many places we drove through had some snow too & when the sun set there was heavy fog, high winds & we saw 4!!! crashes & knew we needed to call it a night, so we booked a hotel.

The dogs loved luxuriating in good ole Hazelton, PA with us last night! We just played our switches, cuddled up & watched Parks & Rec. This morning, we got back on the road with NO rain (thank god) & made it back to our house around sun set. It’s so beautiful here with all the snow we got this weekend! Our neighbor Ron took SUCH good care of the pigs & property while we were away. He even shoveled our porch for us to come home to 🥹 Life is good brothers! I’ll be back vlogging soon, but we’re just opening mail tonight & unpacking. Love you!




Awe! I live in Pa! The weather has NOT been fun. Also I have that same gray and white chevron blanket I’m using it right now so I am cracking up.


So happy your family made it back safely!! Oh my goodness that close up of Larry under the white blanket is so stinkin’ CUTE and don’t get me started on those little knit booties 😭😭