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I love my new ~morning only~ greeting for you guys lol. I got some weekly updates for ya today! Hot off the press! We're meeting some PALS tonight which is very exciting. I've been messaging a gal since last year about growing up in our area. She has since moved away, but is back visiting family so we're meeting her, her brother & his girlfriend tonight! Woo! The bro & gf still live here, so we're stoked to get the introduction & meet some locals that aren't our neighbors! Lol I do love my neighbors though.

Also, tomorrow I'm doing my zumba certification online all day! 12-9 PM baby! I'm so excited I can barely contain myself! I think I know the gym I want to teach at in person (if they'll have me), but still have to go take some classes & try it out! I want to start by maybe just subbing for a while? Then possibly offering online classes? Maybe even through here? Still workshopping this all! It's going to be very nerve wrecking to join a new gym because my VA gym was truly iconic... So I should probably just get over that hump first before I even consider instructing there.

Also, we're making some major headway on the bedroom renovation. I've been trying to keep the updates on that space pretty minimal in the vlogs because I want it to be a surprise, but for the patron-only update, here's what we've done:

1. Ripped up all the old grey plastic wood flooring that the seller DUCT TAPED down (Easy removal! Lol)

2. Ripped out the entire closet to open up the room SIGNIFICANTLY. It feels so much bigger now!

3. Sanded all the floors to get the old stain off (This has taken WEEKS! We JUST finished yesterday)

4. After living in the home for a month, we've realized how much sound travels in that room down to the kitchen because there's no insulation between the shared walls or floors. We want to mitigate that as much as possible, SO...

5. We ripped off all the wooden boards on the shared kitchen wall to re-do the electrical behind them & install insulation. There is currently only insulation on the walls that are shared with outside.

6. Our next steps are above^ We also are doing preconditioner, stain & polyurethane coating on all the upstairs floors (minus the bathroom) this week before my husband is abducted by the release of the new video game Starfield! (Can anyone relate? He won't shut up about it!) We will then replace the old boarded wall with drywall & maybe do a fun paint or wallpaper. We are relocating & rebuilding the closet as well on a different wall & that will take a while.

We're probably only like halfway done with this project, but boy is it gonna be nice when we're done!!! Love ya!


Brianna M

Omg I wanna take your zumba class


Yay Zumba lady! Gosh, the bedroom has been such an undertaking for y’all, so I’m glad that you’re feeling like you’re at the top of the hill with it. You can do it!