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Hello patreon pals! I wanted to give you guys a secret update on the house we're trying to buy in VT :) We lowered our offer price after the home inspection because there will be some big budget fixes that we need to do when we move in (which we're excited about). The seller ended up agreeing to knock about 4% off the purchase price so that is a major slay! Better than nothing! He's also going to do a handful of small fixes before we close so that we can knock those off of our to-do list. We are SO excited! We heard yesterday that he officially accepted our reduced price offer, so now we're just moving into scheduling the home appraisal & have been getting all the boring financial things figured out with our mortgage & whatnot. Our estimated closing is the end of July, but may be sooner if everything moves faster! WOOHOO! Just wanted to update you!



So fun! Congrats! Excited for moving vlogs to return 🥰


Huge congrats!!! Beyond excited for you guys, so well deserved x