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I'm feeling sooooo pleased today. I feel like life has been presenting so many wonderful opportunities for me lately. I just turned in a VERY exciting sponsorship for IG that I'm so proud of. I also have been able to feel myself getting stronger with my weight training & it's been so empowering. ALSO, we have a very exciting house prospect on the horizon, but I'm just going to share updates about that with patrons for now. After our last house hunting flop, I got a message from someone on IG basically just reminding me that although I have many people who see my IG stories & wish me well, I also may have some people who see them & wish ill upon me. When I ask for people to manifest well wishes for a house for me, that's a very powerful thing! I am feeling more comfortable just to share about that stuff here with my patrons because I know y'all all want the best for me. SO! We are going to tour a house next week & I am feeling wonderful about it because we'll be the FIRST to see it!!! Thrilling truly. Things are in alignment in my work, body, & personal life & I'm just feeling grateful & blessed to do what I do. As always, THANK YOU for allowing me to live how I do! You are all legends... Have a great week!


Viviana Galiano

I am SO happy for you! I hope the house viewing goes well. I know you’ll land exactly where you’re supposed to be, divine timing is so real! Sending all the love and positive energy your way, I can’t wait to hear how it goes! 🫶

Viviana Galiano

ALSO, with the whole thing on people and wishing you ill will, I’ve been feeling that so much lately! Before my vision surgery, I had removed so many people off of my social platforms and didn’t post about going into surgery because I just didn’t want any negative mergers towards something I was hoping would go well with the best possible outcome. It was super refreshing to keep that to myself and my close loved ones. Glad you can share here and feel safe and supported, love you girl!! 🌻💛