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It’s been a while since I’ve written poetry or prose on here rather than just a life update so here we go.

Every so often I have times where I feel everything

All at once

Everything builds up

And I break down

It comes on the way most things do

When I least expect it

Or right when I’m feeling brand new

Today is one of those days

So I decided to just feel it all

Because I heard the call

And from the outside if you saw me

It would look like I’m in a lull

Lazing around on the sun drenched lawn

Avoiding all responsibilities

But in reality

I’m feeling everything

All at once

Rather than not at all

It’s a certain type of response I know well

The best remedy for overwhelm

Is to drop everything

And just be

Reach out to a friend

Say “I’m spent”

Tomorrow I’ll get back to it

But today it got me



this is beautiful!! 🥰

Katie Ely

so so beautiful