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Y'all... This week has been absolute madness & I just have to share because all I can do is a writing post this week. For those of you who don't know, Finley & I loaded the pigs into our farm truck on Thursday so he could drive them across the country to his family farm in Virginia until we move to the east coast 9/1 with all our other belongings. I just uploaded a whole vlog about it today, so definitely check that out, but what the vlog didn't see was this... Last night on Friday when Finley was driving through rural Wyoming, the truck bed caught on FIRE. The very same truck bed that is currently housing the pigs inside their tiny house. Someone on the highway sped up next to him honking & alerted him because he could not see the fire from his mirrors or back window. By the grace of God, he pulled off the highway into a fire department of all places! Using the water he had filled for the pigs & the fireman's hose, they put it out & the pigs were surprisingly left completely unscathed. They had huddled into one corner of their house & didn't get smoked out because of the ventilation holes we had cut at the top of the roof so the smoke just passed through. There was about a 2 ft hole burned from the bottom of the truck through the bottom of the pig house. Also by the freaking grace of God, we just HAPPEN to use something called "hog fuel" as their bedding inside the house. It is cedar bark shavings & cedar bark is FIRE RESISTANT! If we had used hay as their bedding they may have been seriously injured or killed :( The fire started because the exhaust pipe on the truck had fallen off at some point in the drive unbeknownst to Finley. The hot exhaust was blowing directly at the wood slats of the custom truck bed we have built on the back, so it ignited. Finley was able to temporarily do a makeshift fix of the exhaust pipe with the fireman's help & drive about 18 miles back to the town of Laramie, WY to get a motel. This morning (Saturday) he brought the truck to a mechanic & is still there fixing everything as I type this. He hopes to continue on the road at some point today if possible, but is just focusing on making sure everything is actually safe to drive. He fixed the hole in the bed by patching it with extra wood he brought on the journey (thank god) & we are counting our blessings that everybody is okay. I don't think I'll talk about this anywhere else but here & Twitch because I told the story there last night as it was still kind of happening. I don't want to make a vlog or IG post about it really because I feel safer just sharing this occurrence with my family, friends & a smaller amount of viewers. All of your good vibes, thoughts & prayers for Finley & the pigs safe journey the rest of the way would be SO much appreciated right now if you could close your eyes & take a moment to send him love. He was really scared, but did all the right things he could do & is just waiting to get back on the road okay. We love you guys!


Britani Richardson

So scary, praying for safe travels on the rest of the journey!


Ah man I live in Laramie!! I wished I saw this sooner, and they could’ve stayed at my