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We are slowly chipping away at our to-do list for our cross-country move as the days go by. I figured I'd share what we're currently up to! Or... What Finley's been up to since I've mostly been in the house listing things on buy nothing facebook groups & craigslist! LOL.

1. Dismantle greenhouse, raised beds & outdoor compost bin

2. Level out all garden grounds

3. Clear out barn & list what we don't need

4. Fix farm truck/prep it for cross country drive

5. Decide on pigs transportation (Right now this is our plan: take the tiny house Fin built them & have our neighbor forklift it into the bed of our truck. It is well insulated so it will keep cool better. We will load them in on a wooden ramp like we did during fire evacuation in 2020. Fin will then build side walls around the truck bed to prevent them from escaping & we will load a cooler into the back full of ice to put ice on them every 2 hours on the drive. We will drive them to Finley's family farm in VA to live with their chickens temporarily until we find our forever home in VT. We will leave our farm truck in VA & fly home to OR.)

6. Clear out basement & list what we don't need

7. Clear back pasture of blackberry vines (our land lady's request)

8. Patch all holes in walls, repaint, etc.

9. Give away tiny house (This is a big one. We've had interested neighbors, but no one has offered to take it home yet. Worst case scenario we dismantle it & sell it all for building parts.)

10. Hire move out cleaners cuz lord knows I'm not doin that shit!

I'll be vlogging all these things over the course of the next month or so before we move out 9/1! Ahh!



also planning a cross country move and making all the to-do lists! v helpful to break things down step by step. productivity queens


i was reading your list and you said the fire evacuation was in 2020 and i didn’t realize it was that long ago! it feels like barely last year that happened! and then i realized i’ve been following you for well over two years already! holy smokes!