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For this week's writing post, I want to do a community exercise! I've been watching a lot of period pieces lately & have honestly always been so fascinated with them. I mainly watch them for the fashion because of the magnificent dresses, corsets, hats, etc. but tonight I was thinking that I truly do believe that in a past life I was someone who dressed like that! I know it sounds absurd, but I honestly think I was a woman in like 1795 in France or something slaying lewks every damn day & throwing lovely parties. So the exercise is this! Comment below what you think you were in a past life. I am very curious to read your responses!



I’ve always felt very heavily connected to native artwork and stories. When I was pregnant with my son before we discovered his sex I had a dream about a native woman with a little boy and it felt extremely surreal! I like to think that I was her in a past life 😌

Emily K

I actually have a friend who does past life readings and she said I was a nomadic traveler in the 1800s who travelled with a group of women selling our divination services for food & lodging. and that I was pretty bad ass and we all looked out for each other on our travels. I also feel like I lived a recent & short life in the 60s-70s bc I have always feel so drawn to that era along with medieval times! honestly I like to think i’ve lived so many lives that contribute to my passions, morals & beliefs as much as this current life does. I hope this makes sense😅