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Hello my patient patreon peeps! It’s been a bit, but I’ve just been relaxing since our wild wedding weekend. We spent the past week in Costa Rica for pt. 1 of our honeymoon! We got back to VA super late last night & are re-packing our bags today. In the morning, we leave for pt. 2 of our honeymoon/house hunting in Vermont! Unfortunately this morning, my friggin instagram got hacked! It’s a long story I can explain later, but this happened because of a total flop on my management’s part. They sent me a scam link to “get verified” on IG & I followed the process & immediately got hacked… I’m obviously furious, but am just hitting up online friends for help/contact info at IG. They have no support phone number or email & only allow you to fill out forms… So I’m just waiting for a response. It’s been A DAY! But on the bright side, my account looks fine & I’m trying not to stress about it. I’m about to go to my favorite state after all! Just wanted to update y’all with what’s going on in our life currently. I have a Costa Rica honeymoon recap post up on IG & will post more on there when I’m… No longer hacked 😂 But for now, I’ll post/share stuff here cuz I love y’all! Woo!



Emily K

have so much fun!! sorry about your account but so happy you were able to get it back and hopefully with little to no damage!💓 wishing you a beautiful full moon as well🥰🍓✨


just got back in late may from a road trip to maine and vermont had some of my favorite views the whole trip. enjoy ur road trip and hope house hunting goes good for u guys! 💛✨