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A collection of 10 photos that summarize my week after getting my wisdom teeth out on Monday morning! I was expecting to feel a bit better by today (Sunday), but I developed a sinus perforation on day 4 of recovery & it has been ~hell~ 🥺 Basically, my upper right tooth’s roots were so far into my sinus that even though there was no hole left in my sinus upon extracting the tooth, one developed over time 😳 The dentist told me it’s fairly common, but I’d never heard of this happening, so when I found out I was really anxious & scared, but that does nothing good! He said it would most likely heal on it’s own & that they won’t know if I need surgery on it until like a month from now so let’s hope for the best! I can’t blow my nose or create sinus pressure in any way in the meantime & have just been ~relaxing~ & hoping to gourd it all goes away soon cuz it forking hurts!! So that is my update after a week of recovery! I love you! I’ve been taking it easy & hoping for the best. :’)



Olivia Lattanzi

Oh my love! I tried to message you on Insta, but if you ever need pain relief and can’t get it from just Advil, when I got my wisdom teeth taken out my dentist recommended 2 Tylenol, 2 Advil, and a caffeinated beverage. I thought he was cooky but I tried it when I ran out of my painkillers and it worked!! I don’t know what the frick kind of science or interaction that is but something about it worked.. I would definitely recommend it❤️

Meghan Hughes

yesss i’ve been doing this everyday! i did read your message on there & screenshotted it 😂💛


Your recovery vlog had me pausing every 10 minutes or so because the empathy is real! I’ve been watching and loving u for many years so naturally i have come to care about u like you are a friend of mine . I’m so thankful u have recovered and appreciate you documenting your experience! Sending all the love . Maddie🧚‍♀️