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Hi friends! For my writing post this week, I need your participation! Over the weekend, I spent time with friends chatting about what we’re calling in for 2022. For myself, I’m calling in organization instead of overwhelm 👌 I’m prioritizing biting off “a little at a time” & categorizing my tasks, so I don’t get burned out/give up/forget about things as a result of feeling overwhelmed or anxious. My other friends are calling in things like: making their side hustle a main hustle, starting to take a hobby more seriously, not letting the fear of striking out keep them from trying, etc! Now I want to hear yours! Comment it down below so we can manifest that shit baby ✨


Aja Rice

Mine is a combination of all of those honestly. I’ve been back and forth with going back to YouTube scared I won’t be good enough, completely unorganized, and afraid of starting a small business because I don’t want to fail


I want to spend more time working towards my goal of hiking the Appalachian trail!