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Hey there ho there fellers! I just wanted to type a bit of an honest reflection here about my screen addiction (ironically... I am writing this on a screen LOL). On Monday, I woke up, immediately went to do computer work, facetimed my mom for a few hours, wasted my afternoon on social media, did emails & wedding work on my laptop, streamed myself playing Animal Crossing from 6-9 PST, then watched TV right after until 1 AM. When I went to bed, my head hurt & I felt really shitty. I then realized... Oh... I was literally on screens since I woke up!!! I felt disgusting, ashamed, & mad. Mad that I abandoned my morning coffee & a book routine. Mad that I wasted so much time scrolling IG when I could've been doing ANYTHING else. Mad that I didn't even notice when it was happening because I was completely sucked into the screen void LOL. I texted Finley before bed right then so he'd wake up to it (he was already asleep) & told him to call me out if he saw me on my phone the next day. I specifically wanted to be away from social media & time wasting platforms. All day yesterday, I read, baked bread, made my staples like vegan parm & vegetable broth, made some delicious chilli from scratch, took my sister's wedding planning call on my computer instead of my phone so I wouldn't allow myself any scrolling afterwards, & went to my zumba class! I had a GREAT night of sleep & woke up feeling ready to take on the rest of the week with a different perspective on social media specifically. Because in reality, my work is online. I can use it to my work advantage sharing my streams, videos, life moments, etc. but I don't need to MAKE IT my life if that makes sense. I returned to IG today because I had to send inspo screenshots to my wedding photographer & so I shared some thoughts on my story there, but just wanted to go into depth here for my patreon peeps! I feel like I never realize how addicted I am to screens until I feel horrible, so I just want to take a much more strategic approach to my use of it from here on out! I'll obviously still be doing work online, just in a more mindful way. Glad to get that off my chest brothers! I love you! Have a wonderful week.



Ive caught myself doing the same thing recently and yesterday i didnt and i ended up making 4 different kinds of pumpkin edibles for my ''edible business''(im not in a legal state lol)being productive is awesome and losing hours of my life online sucks ;)


I've also been feeling this way. I've been on social media way less And I also don't watch as much TV or other entertainment platforms. Instead I'm occupying my time by reading, doing yoga spending time outside and doing other things that make me feel whole 😌 I think technology is such a useful and incredible tool but definitely when we have too much of it we can get overwhelmed I also haven't been on the streams I really miss everyone!! And I miss watching your content. I'm hoping that I can come back soon when I'm feeling a bit more grounded. 💛