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I am so happy to be writing this my dudes! Last week, I'm sure a lot of you could tell I was violently stressed out! LOL. It comes in waves, but I'm feeling more at ease now. I was just having a lot of stress about both online & wedding work. I finally have gotten all my deadlines done for brands & have been allocating more time this week to friends as well as wedding tasks. I feel a lot better about things now, but I was really in a panic last week because I felt as though I was in the same place with the wedding that I was when we got home from our east coast trip in early July. I voiced my concerns to my planner & she pushed us into full gear! My current tasks are these: finding sustainable dresses for my bridesmaids, MOTB, & MOTG, I also am narrowing down bluegrass bands with the help of my brother (I want everyone to feel involved in our wedding planning in whatever way they shine), I am *hopefully* asking my flower girls (Jaden & Lia) to be in my wedding today when they get home from school, I'm having a call with a potential videographer next week, I reached out to my dream photographer *fingers crossed it's a yes*, & I need to pick what color chairs we'll use with our white tablecloths (all white or brown with black cushions? what a trivial question but it means a lot to my color scheme lol). Next week, my planner will deliver me our full design board & we will start working on tablescapes, flowers, rings, lighting ambiance, etc. I AM PUMPED! Things are going well over here brothers. Happy Friday!


Emily Hemstreet

I hope you can find some time to de-stress queen💗 Here’s a virtual CBD joint and a bubble bath for you my dude 🛀🌲💨