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YEEHAW Y'ALL! Right on time with when Fin & I were just saying how we were having a slow year for people coming to visit, we are going to get 3 different visits in a row! Tonight, Finley's friend Libby from VA gets into town & stays until the 6th. After that, the girls I used to nanny in LA are coming to visit! They'll be here Aug. 9-13 I believe. THEN! From Aug. 14-16, Lindsey & Jared are coming into town. I'm spending the day cleaning & preparing for our first visitor, but I wanted to check in & wish you all a wonderful week! I'll be trying to squeeze in uploads, streams, & updates during all these visits, but just wanted to let y'all know what's up :-) Happy Monday stinkies!



Aww how wonderful to have a home filled with friends for so many days! Excited for you, queen 💖


can i be a visitor this august too!!??