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It's a new week & a new day. I'm guessing this post will end up being a sort of update on life, but also a way to put my cares away. If you saw my IG story today, you'd know I took a pretty bad fall this morning while in a panic that our dog Roo had been attacked. She's in perfectly fine shape, but I am not, so I've been lying in bed getting some work done ever since. My left butt cheek is insanely swollen & my knees & feet are banged up, but at least my head is ok! Despite my small injuries, I'll be getting back to filming this week since coming home from vacation. We had a very social holiday weekend & I'm ready to just get back to work not only online, but also on the farm. I'm already back livestreaming 3x a week (Mon, Wed & Fri at 6 PM PST on Twitch), but I have yet to film for my main channel or here on patreon, so I wanted to thank you sincerely for your patience. I can't wait to create some fun summer content for y'all because the garden (& weed plants ;-)) are THRIVING right now. I am looking forward to seshing with our home grown bud on here & making some more consistent vlogs because I know y'all love em! Just wanted to check back in & say things are back to business as usual baby! See you soon with a new vid! :-)


Carle Winnie

Oh my god, Meghan!!!!! You’re such a good mama!!! I hadn’t seen your story but I just went to read it. I’m so happy Roo is okay!!! Take it easy, girly.

Meghan Hughes

thank u stinky! i slept soooo much last night like 11 hours straight so i know my body is healing all my wounds & bruises fast 😂


I know the adrenaline that mustve been pumping through you while this all was happening… ive had a similar experience with one of my chickens (she was fine!!!), and i hope you start feeling back to normal asap. Thank god Roo and Larry are both okay! Im sending you alllll the love sista! 💖💕