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Hello folks! Happy Monday! I’m here to talk about the good & the bad news in my life at the moment. I’ll start with the good! I’ve just started my studies to become a certified herbalist with the Herbal Academy online. I did my first lesson today & already am loving it! I also have started reading “Concrete Rose” for May book club & finished “Love, Creekwood” yesterday, so the reading habit has come back with full force! I was struggling for a bit because I didn’t like the book I read in April. Now the bad news! I just found out that even amongst rapid vaccine rollout, there has been a fourth surge of covid cases & hospitalizations in my county, so all outdoor Ren Faires have been cancelled this year as well. I was really looking forward to attending these again now that we’re vaccinated, so this is a HUGE bummer. Hopefully there will be others around we can travel a short distance to because I miss them! Other than those ups & downs, life is normal as hell & I have no complaints! See you on Twitch tonight at 6 PM PST my dahlings! Have a great week!



my sister and i have been DYING to go to a ren fair for so long now. We’ve never been to one and we were gonna go summer 2020 but that didn’t work obviously and now this!! i feel ur pain sister :(


Aww bummer dude 🙃 at least you get to travel to some near you!!❤️❤️