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Hey farties! Happy Monday! Finley & I are getting our first dose of the vaccine this afternoon. I am not nervous about needles so I'm not really anxious about that, but I was talking about this on my Twitch stream on Friday & I just wish I didn't already see sooooo much about it online. I obviously would enjoy just knowing what I've researched myself, but that's not the world we live in! LOL. Anyways! Just really excited to be fully vaccinated this summer to enjoy trips with our families & start planning our WEDDING! WAHOOEY! We're getting Pfizer btw! Comment below if you've gotten it/which one you got. If you didn't or aren't getting it, all I ask is that you're respectful of other folks here in the comments or don't comment at all bestie! Have a beautiful upcoming week lads!


peachymkeen .

i got moderna and i just had a very sore arm and my 2nd shot isn’t until may 8th! i heard the side effects take place in the 2nd dose usually but hoping for the best!!! i hope you and finley get to rest those arms up today they’re gonna be HURTIN tomorrow!


I just got moderna yesterday! I was so scared beforehand but it was honestly so easy. To be fair I used numbing cream to give myself a little peace of mind but hey I’m proud of myself and I’m SO excited to experience life again!!