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Hello my patreon peeps! For my writing post this week, I wanted to talk a bit about determination because it's been such a theme in both Finley & I's lives recently. For me, I'm determined to heal my trauma & for him, he is determined to heal his depression. We have been showing so much strength & persistence over the past month with making appointments to speak to professionals, showing up for the work, working continually together, etc. & I'm just SO!!! PROUD!!! This work is hard & can often take a lot out of you as I'm sure many of you know. Yesterday, I was laying on our trampoline journaling & trying to sort out the BLARG of my brain & a blue jay swooped past me & perched right next to me. He started making his call (it sounds VERY loud LOL) & I was shook... like "What is this damn bird trying to say to me?" so of COURSE I had to look up the spiritual significance of a visit from a blue jay. You know what the heck it was? Determination. Resilience. Patience. Endurance. Spiritual growth. I obviously take all of that with a grain of salt because different sources have different meanings, but all of those themes deeply resonated with me. I just wanted my writing post this week to be a THANK YOU to myself. I have recognized recently how often I beat myself up & feed my brain limiting beliefs & lies. I'm sure a lot of us do this! I think it's a coping mechanism for me personally, but that's a convo for my therapist! LOL. Anyways, I just want to remind you all of your worth. I know self-work is hard. I know forgiveness is not easy. I know it all takes time & patience. But to anyone out there putting in the work to heal themselves, THANK YOU! I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of MYSELF! My mantra this week has been: "I forgive myself for any pain I have caused. I forgive anyone who has caused pain upon me." Maybe it will help some of you too.

I love you! Happy Wednesday <3



This is wonderful!!! So happy for you & I will be using that mantra 💜

Terriana G.

I’m not crying 🥺....you are!