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In 2016, I wrote a poem titled "Ladylike" to premiere at a film festival in Toronto. It's still one of my favorite pieces I've ever written. I wrote it to explore the feminine side that lies in us all, femme-identifying or not. I wanted to revisit this piece today for International Women's Day. I hope you enjoy this reminder of the divine feminine in you & me. I love you!

The first time I felt feminine was in dance class

My mom tied my hair up in pretty bows

I wore leotards as clothes

And spent hours learning how to point my toes

The first time I felt patient was in gymnastics

Where I stretched my body like an elastic

Falling repeatedly on a mat made up of plastic

Because all it really took was practice

The first time I felt unique was in middle school

The boys in my grade teased me for the color of my hair

And at the time, I really did seem to care

But soon after, I realized I was just rare

I was just me

From my head down to my feet

I felt like a sight to see

That was the first time confidence was instilled in me...

Now this was a feeling I had yet to feel

And it was oh so real


It makes you feel powerful beyond belief

That is, until it is ripped out from underneath your feet

By a society telling you

That you must compete

Now I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again

Comparison, to me, is a sin

Because it is the death of self-love within

Yes, I know we live in a world filled with beautiful girls

But YOU are one of those pearls

And just as valuable as pearls are to the sea

THAT is what you are to me

Vulnerable at times, yet strong as can be

She can be bold, or as soft as a peach

Brilliant, yet whimsical when need be

Filled with love, she is the meaning of caregiver to a T

You feel safe in her arms, comfort equals she

Women are a portal for life, and that is a sight to see

A Mother’s love can be compared to none

A drive to provide that shines brighter than the sun

Inherently selfless, a woman cares for not just one…

But all…

A woman will pick you up when you fall

Be waiting by the phone when you call

Care so much that it drives you up the wall


It’s really cool to be a woman after all

You see,

I feel rooted in Mother Earth like a tree

As powerful as the Goddess of the Sea

A woman is just so captivating yet free

But don’t you dare try and tame her

Because where there’s peace, there can be anger

And that is the beauty of the danger

The danger of a woman is something to beat

Try to conquer her, and you will accept nothing but defeat

Because you will soon be bowing at her feet


To the divine feminine inside

Femininity is something you cannot hide

Because she has always been right there by your side

Harmony is what keeps Mother Nature alive

Wholeness, my friend, will make you thrive

So with that, I also bow to my masculine side



wow Meghan, my heart is singing & my soul is rejuvenated. Stunning work dahhhling!


I adore this so much I needed this today. 🥺🥺💛