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Hi peanuts! For my writing post this week, I just wanted to give an honest mental health update because I'm going through it LOL. I just have been dealing with a lot of change in my life & am having a hard time adjusting. I'm obviously chatting about all of this with my therapist as well, but I think it's helpful to be transparent with you guys because it may help some of you to know that you're not alone. Also, if you're not struggling, then it may be insightful to know that everything is not always peachy even if I'm a positive-presenting person! I just feel like more than usual I've been having sooooo much trouble with my time management, productivity, creative energy, etc. I have all these ideas & plans yet I often can't muster up the courage to get off the couch & accomplish them. I have a lot of mental blocks around having to be in a "good place" to film, etc. but I think it's nice to remind myself that you guys would support me even if I filmed while being in a bad headspace. IDK MANNNN I'm just really feeling weird lately & don't know if it's the seasonal depression talking or my own mind just taking on limiting thought patterns? Anyways! LMK if you're going through it too down below & we can chat about it. It's just nice to be able to vent sometimes :') I love you guys! Thanks for listening!



Loving reading the vulnerability of these shares ❤️ learning my design and studying human design has really helped me in relationship with my mental health, energy levels and how I interact with others. There are times we have waves of emotions (some have more than others)

Ashley Boss

I’m just catching up here. And I FEEL YOU DUDE! I’m the same way when it comes to creating or feeling productive.. I have to be in a “good mindset” whatever the f that is really ya know? Especially today I’m feeling down in the dumps like a dumpster poop trash hole. Anyway... I feel this and you are not alone in it. And it’s actually comforting to hear you talk about this stuff. So thanks for keeping it real and letting all of your patrion peeps keep it real too. Love ya. Hope you, fin, the dogs and the piggies are doing swell.